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Ultrasound (Abdominal & Vaginal)

What Is Ultrasound and What Are The Types of Ultrasound?

Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures. The sound waves are transmitted through a probe inserted into the body cavity, where they bounce off internal tissues and organs. The echoes from these tissues and organs are recorded by a computer and displayed on special monitors or printed as images. A doctor can then use this data to make a diagnosis or perform certain procedures based on the results of an ultrasound exam.

Abdominal Ultrasound may be used to help diagnose conditions such as infertility, gallstones, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections. It may also be used to detect kidney problems such as hydronephrosis (bladder neck obstruction), pyelonephritis (kidney infection), or renal disease.

Vaginal Ultrasound is a diagnostic test to create images of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It is performed in order to evaluate your reproductive organs and determine if they are functioning normally. Vaginal ultrasounds are commonly performed during pregnancy for early detection of fetal abnormalities as well as for monitoring fetal growth rates during labor and delivery.

Other Services: Laparoscopic Surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

What is abdominal ultrasound?

Abdominal ultrasound is the most common type of ultrasound used to look at blood vessels and other structures in the abdomen. Ultrasound is a diagnostic technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal tissues and organs.

Why abdominal ultrasound is performed?

Abdominal ultrasounds are performed for four common reasons:

  • To assess pregnancy risk.
  • To monitor the growth and development of children.
  • To determine if a fetus has any abnormalities that need immediate treatment.
  • To diagnose gastrointestinal problems like constipation or diarrhea.

What is vaginal ultrasound?

The vaginal ultrasound is a non-invasive way to evaluate the internal organs in the female reproductive tract. The procedure is performed by inserting a small probe into the vagina and moving it around to view the internal tissues and organs. A vaginal ultrasound is an examination that checks for problems with the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It also can check for other conditions such as fibroids (noncancerous tumors) or polyps (tiny growths).

Why vaginal ultrasound is performed?

Among various things, vaginal ultrasound can help:

  • Evaluate the size, shape, and location of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Assess pregnancy by measuring gestational sac diameter and position.
  • Measure blood flow in the pelvis (transvaginal sonography).

How many times is an ultrasound done during pregnancy?

Most doctors will do two ultrasounds during pregnancy. The first-trimester ultrasound (11 to 13 weeks) will check for a heartbeat, measure the size of your baby and look at its head, arms, and legs. In the second trimester (20 weeks), you’ll have an abdominal ultrasound to check on growth and development.