Maternal Obesity and Risky Pregnancy: 5 Recommendations from Doctors about Foods to Avoid

miracle fertility
April 17, 2024

Are you expecting to have a baby but struggling with obesity? Maternal obesity is a serious concern. It can lead to high risk pregnancy complications. It is crucial to be mindful of the foods you consume during pregnancy, which can help ensure good health for you as well as your baby.

Doctors recommend avoiding certain foods to mitigate risk factors associated with maternal obesity. Here are 5 recommendations from doctors about foods to avoid during pregnancy. These can help promote a healthy and safe gestation period.

  1. Raw Meat:

When you are pregnant, it is essential to avoid consuming raw or undercooked meat. Sushi and other raw meat products can harbor harmful bacteria, like:

  • Salmonella,
  • coli, and
  • Listeria.

These bacteria can lead to foodborne illnesses. These can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy. Cooking meat thoroughly can help kill any potentially harmful bacteria. It can reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses as much as possible. While your immune system might be able to fight against harmful bacteria, the same cannot be said about your unborn child. Thus, you need to be cautious.

  1. Raw Sprouts:

During pregnancy, you should try to avoid the intake of raw sprouts, such as:

  • Alfalfa,
  • Clover, and
  • Radish sprouts

You should particularly try to avoid having these if you are struggling with obesity. Sprouts grow in warm and humid conditions. Naturally, these can easily harbor bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli. These bacteria can cause severe illness and complications during pregnancy.

It is best that you opt for cooked sprouts or other vegetables that are safer to consume while expecting. You can consult your gynecologist and get a list of food items that you can have with more assurance.

  1. Unpasteurized Dairy:

Unpasteurized dairy products include raw milk and cheeses made from raw milk. You should try to avoid these during pregnancy. These products can contain harmful bacteria such as Listeria.

When you consume these, both you and your baby can be at a significant risk. Pasteurized dairy products can reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. You can be more assured of having a safer pregnancy.

  1. Processed Foods:

During pregnancy, you need to limit or completely avoid the intake of processed foods high in:

  • Sugars,
  • Fats, and
  • Preservatives

These foods can contribute to excessive weight gain and increase the risk of gestational diabetes and other pregnancy complications. If you want to have a healthy pregnancy, try to focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods like:

  • Fruits,
  • Vegetables,
  • Whole grains, and
  • Lean proteins
  1. Alcohol:

You should try to avoid alcohol completely during pregnancy, especially if you are struggling with maternal obesity. Otherwise, it can lead to:

  • Serious birth defects,
  • Developmental issues, and
  • Lifelong disabilities

Your child can suffer from such issues. Try to abstain from alcohol entirely. It can keep you and your baby safer throughout pregnancy. If you cannot keep away, try to minimize the intake as much as possible.

Follow these 5 food recommendations from your doctor and you can maximize chances for having a successful, healthy pregnancy.
