5 Problems Related to Pre-term Labor: How a Fertility Specialist Can Help You
December 25, 2024
Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) is a diagnostic tool used to examine the uterus and ovaries. TVUS is performed using a transvaginal probe, which is a small wand-like device that contains a high-frequency soundwave generator. A gel lubricant is applied to the vagina before inserting the probe. Once inserted, the probe emits a sound wave that travels through the vaginal canal and reflects off the internal organs. The reflected waves then return to the probe where they are converted back into electrical signals that are displayed on a monitor. This kind of pelvic ultrasound is also referred to as Endovaginal Ultrasound in ultrasound centers in Kolkata.
This is a diagnostic test that uses sound waves to create images of internal organs. A TVUS is performed using a vaginal probe. The probe is inserted into the vagina and moved around until the doctor finds the uterus. Once the uterus is located, the doctor presses the button on the end of the probe and the image appears on a screen.
The probe sends out sound waves at frequencies between 5MHz and 10MHz. These sound waves pass through the vaginal wall and reflect off the organs inside the body. As the sound waves bounce around, they create echoes that are picked up by the probe’s receiver. The echoes are then translated into images on the screen.
Transvaginal ultrasounds are used in the best ultrasound centre in Kolkata to diagnose conditions affecting the reproductive system. Conditions that may require further investigation include:
This type of ultrasound is used to take a look at the pelvic area, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus of a woman. Transvaginal ultrasound test cost in Kolkata can vary as per the clinic that is visited.
Yes. TVUS works by sending high-frequency sound waves through the body. These sound waves bounce off objects inside the body and return to the probe. When these sound waves reach the probe, they vibrate the probe’s crystals. As the crystals vibrate, they emit radio waves that travel along wires to a computer. The computer then converts the radio waves into digital signals that appear on the screen as pictures.
No. A TVUS is not painful. You may feel some pressure while the probe is being inserted, but once the probe is in place, you should feel no discomfort at all.
A Transvaginal ultrasound scan in Kolkata is not known to be associated with any risk factors. These processes can be performed on pregnant women without endangering the mother or the fetus. This is so because this imaging method does not involve radiation.
You may experience pressure and, in some cases, discomfort as the transducer is inserted into your vagina. Once the procedure is over, any discomfort should be minimal and disappear.
Be sure to tell the doctor or technician if anything during the examination is extremely uncomfortable.
Yes. There is no need to wait before having sex again. However, if you do choose to wait, you can use a condom.
Transvaginal ultrasound in the best ultrasound clinic in Kolkata is almost completely risk-free, though you might feel some discomfort. The entire test lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, and you can usually avail the results in 24 hours or less.
You might be asked to return for another test if your doctor cannot get a clear picture. Depending on your symptoms, a transvaginal ultrasound may occasionally be performed before an abdominal or pelvic ultrasound.
A transabdominal ultrasound may be used if a transvaginal ultrasound causes you too much discomfort and you are unable to tolerate the procedure. In order to view your pelvic organs, your doctor will first apply the gel on the skin of your stomach and then use a handheld device.
Transvaginal ultrasounds are generally considered cosmetic procedures and therefore are not covered by insurance even at a top ultrasound clinic in Kolkata. If you do decide to get a transvaginal ultrasound, make sure to ask your provider about any out-of-pocket expenses.